Forbidden Territory: Stanley's Search for Liv (1997)
Aventură, Dramă, Istoric
Filmul prezinta calatoria ziaristului Henry Morton Stanley, pornit in cautarea misionarului dr. Livingstone, disparut in inima Africii, si aventurile traite de cei doi in incercarea de a ajunge la izvoarele Nilului.
At Jesus' Side (2010)
Animație, Familie
AT JESUS’ SIDE is an animated family movie about the last week of Jesus’ life through the Resurrection, as seen through the eyes of a little pack of outcast animals.
In memoria di Me (In Memory of Myself) (2007)
"In Memoria di Me" urmareste perioada de schimbare în cãlãtoria spiritualã a lui Andrea (Christo Jivkov), un tânãr care suferã o crizã de personalitate ºi decide sã se retragã din lume, prin intrarea intr-un ordin monastic. El începe ca novice, dar cu toate acestea iluziile lui Andrea de a deveni un cãlugãr încep sa se naruie. În loc de liniºte, rugãciune ºi meditaþie, Andrea este urmarit, supravegheat ºi privit cu neîncrederea de fraþii colegi dornici sã gaseascã o greºealã la el, care îl va descalifica. ªi, treptat, Andrea începe sa se întrebe dacã chiar aceastã lume este potrivitã pentru el...
Squanto: A Warrior's Tale (1994)
Aventură, Biografic, Dramă
Set in the early 1600's, a New England Indian brave warrior named Squanto is captured and subsequently enslaved by English settlers, but survives a shipwreck and returns to America to teach the Pilgrims how to survive in their strange new land. Driven by a passion to be free, he risks everything to escape his captors, braving the wilderness and triumphing, finally, as a great leader.
crossguide/ -
Billy: The Early Years (2008)
Biografic, Dramă
Everyone knows who he is. Now find out how he got there.
Maciste, gladiatore di Sparta (1964)
Aventură, Dramă
EditMaciste gladiatore di Sparta [1964] DVDrip
In this sword and sandal fantasy, Poseidon must battle a gladiator quartet in ancient Rome. If he wins, the son of Hercules will have his life and anything else he wants. Sure enough, he wins and asks that the life of a Christian girl be spared. But the girl refuses her liberty until all of her fellow believers are also released.
Nyab Siab Zoo (2009)
The Good-hearted Daughter (2009)
After the death of Lady Va Cha's husband and two sons, she returns to the northern lands of her husband's clan. Of her two daughters-in-law, one decides to follow her into a marginal village existence in a steeply patriarchal society. Nyab Siab Zoo (The Good-hearted Daughter) is a tale of two widows bounded by lost and love. Inspired by the biblical story of Ruth. ---------- Varianta Nyab Siab Zoo 2009 DVDRip XviD LAJ ---------
Pendragon: Sword of His Father (2008)
Aventură, Fantastic
Set in 411 AD, Pendragon tells the story of young Artos who is raised to believe that God has a purpose for each day. When his family killed and he is taken into slavery by the Saxons, Artos questions his God. Advancing through the military ranks, Artos begins to understand that his father's vision was not based on the strength of man, but on the plan of God. Further betrayal by his friends forces Artos to decide between following God's plan unto certain death or abandoning God to save his own life. crossguide/
The Passion (2008)
Dramă, Istoric
The.Passion.E02.2008.SWESUB.DVDRip.XviD-DVD-Uploader ,( Ep. 1-2,3-4 )
Este inceputul saptamanii Pastelui Evreiesc. In zilele ce vor urma, mii de pelerini vor veni in cetatea Ierusalimului pentru a celebra cea mai importanta sarbatoare religioasa din calendar. Pentru stapanirea romana in frunte cu Pilat din Pont este cea mai dificila perioada a anului. Pentru marele preot Caiafa alaturi de ceilalti preoti din Templu presiunile pentru mentinerea ordinii publice sunt mai mult decat apasatoare… Vestile ajung cu repeziciune in oras, Iisus Galileeanul se apropie de zidurile cetatii calare pe un magar si va intra in Ierusalim prin poarta de Est. Acesta pare a fi inceputul implinirii uneia dintre cele mai puternice profetii religioase: venirea lui Mesia. Pe strazi, multimea incepe sa fremete, saptamana este abia la inceput… Mini seria Patimile reda intr-un mod dramatic ultima saptamana dinainte de rastignirea lui Iisus Hristos. Dupa un scenariu scris de laureatul premiului Emmy, Frank Deasy, filmul Patimile aduce in discutie trei puncte de vedere asupra ultimelor zile ale Mantuitorului: cel al autoritatilor religioase, al romanilor, precum si cel al lui Iisus insusi. Portretizarea contextului politic si religios ambiguu al acelor vremuri, alaturi de costumele superbe, reconstituie emotionant atmosfera perioadei, precum si a unuia dintre cele mai importante momente religioase pentru crestinii de pretutindeni.
Pompei, ieri, oggi, domani (2007)
Pompei, ieri, oggi, domani (2007), pentru DVDRip. Enjoy! In anul 79 d.Hr., unul dintre cele mai frumoase si mai bogate orase ale Imperiului Roman a fost sters de pe fata Pamantului in cateva clipe. Ingropat sub lava Vezuviului, Pompei ramane un mister fascinant pentru cei care incearca sa-si imagineze povestile oamenilor de atunci. Aceasta este una dintre ele: o poveste despre dragoste, scandaluri, intrigi politice si despre o catastrofa naturala interpretata de multi drept o pedeapsa divina. CONTINE VARIANTA PE 1 CD SI Pe 2 CD-uri!!
A Greater Yes: The Story of Amy Newhouse (2009)
After climbing Pampa High School's po-cenzurat-rity chain, taking her volleyball team to the State championship, and founding the school's first drugs, alcohol, and violence-free club, Amy Newhouse must now fight the biggest battle of her life - cancer. Her open heart to the people of her school now sparks a passionate rally from the community. However, this passion dwindles as her cancer metastasizes. Her cancer seems to miraculously disappear, but just as it seems the community has prevailed and the battle won, Amy discovers that the deadly disease has returned and is incurable. Amy's prayers for healing continue, but with the seemingly dried-up support of her community, and an apparent "no" from God, she dies from the one battle she cannot win. However, with her death comes life and redemption of Pampa High, as her club grows exponentially, redeeming the school of the once-rampant violence, drugs, and alcohol that she so passionately fought against, and proving to all doubters that God has a "Greater Yes" after all.
Maria Goretti (2003)
The life of the virgin and martyr Santa Maria Goretti. Long length with Maria Goretti's touching history and of Alessandro Serenelli. Two young that live an intense friendship which could have transformed her in a love history. Alessandro, however, in an impulse of violent passion, he transforms it in a tragedy. The film, of that tender and simple youth, wants to show that it is possible to conserve the Christian values, even at the expense of the sacrifice of the own life, testifying in the pardon, the force of the love without measure.
The Last Days of Pompeii (1935)
Aventură, Dramă
Peaceloving blacksmith Marcus refuses lucrative offers to fight in the arena...until his wife dies for lack of medical care. His life as a gladiator coarsens him, and shady enterprises make him the richest man in Pompeii, while his son Flavius (who met Jesus on a brief visit to Judaea) is as gentle as Marcus once was. The final disaster of Marcus and Flavius's cross purposes is interrupted by the eruption of Vesuvius