Subtitrare Xingu

Acțiune, Aventură, Biografic

7.308 / 10

(39 voturi)


102 min


Cao Hamburger


João Miguel, Felipe Camargo, Caio Blat

Informatii IMDB

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Informatii Cinemagia


Xingu (2012) Subtitrare Xingu - ro

Xingu – In inima Amazonului






25.000 FPS

Număr CD-uri / Episoade




Adăugat: 29-Iun-2015, 18:02

Actualizat: 29-Iun-2015, 18:02

Xingu.2012.DVDRip.XviD.5rFF. Aranjat textul si adaugate diacritice. Enjoy! Multumiri traducatorului.

Mai multe informații

In the '40s, three brothers decide to live a great adventure and enlisting in the Roncador-Xingu Expedition, which has a mission to tame the Central Brazil. The Villas Boas brothers: Orlando, 27, Claudius, 25, and Leonardo, 23, engage in a fantastic and incredible saga. Soon start to lead the expedition that opens new paths 1,500 km, navigates over 1,000 miles of unspoilt rivers, opens 19 airfields for airplanes Army, gives rise to the creation of 43 towns and 14 make contact with wild Indian tribes, unknown, as the Xavante, courageous and feared warriors, no casualties on both sides. This adventure allows the Villas Boas brothers the creation of the Xingu National Park, the first major Amerindian reservation in Brazil, the size of Belgium, transforming them into true contemporary heroes.

In timpul explorarii Braziliei Centrale, in anul 1943, fratii Villas-Boas intalnesc indienii Xingu. Devin interesati reciproc de obiceiurile si sistemele sociale ale celeilalte culturi si decid sa construiasca o pista de aterizare impreuna. Curand, jumatate din populatia unui sat cade secerata de o epidemie, iar cei trei frati isi descopera menirea - aceea de a-si consacra vietile protejandu-i pe indienii Xingu, conservand cultura lor si construind Parcul National Xin…
