The Unknown (Clawed: The Legend of Sasquatch) (2005)
The Unknown
23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 6-Mai-2006, 19:51
Actualizat: 6-Mai-2006, 00:00
Mai multe informații
When a group of poachers is found mauled to death in the woods of the Pacific Northwest -- mirroring a grisly slaying that happened years ago, known as the "Echo Mountain Massacre" -- angry locals are convinced that the infamous Sasquatch is to blame. But that doesn't stop four passionate high school students from making a plea to spare the creature's life.
Cativa braconieri sunt gasiti morti intr-o padure de pe coasta Pacificului. Un grup de vanatori cu pofta de razbunare pleaca in cautarea creaturii care i-a omorat in timp ce patru studenti incearca sa o salveze...