The Tillman Story (2010)
The Tillman Story
23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 5-Mar-2011, 17:26
Actualizat: 5-Mar-2011, 17:26
The.Tillman.Story.2010.DVDRip.XviD -VoMiT;
The Tillman Story[2010] DvDrip[Eng] -FXG
Mai multe informații
Pat Tillman never thought of himself as a hero. His choice to leave a multimillion-dollar football contract and join the military wasn't done for any reason other than he felt it was the right thing to do. The fact that the military manipulated his tragic death in the line of duty into a propaganda tool is unfathomable and thoroughly explored in Amir Bar-Lev's riveting and enraging documentary.
Pe 22 aprilie 2004, soldatul Pat Tillman, un jucator de fotbal care a renuntat la acest sport pentru a lupta pentru tara sa, a fost omorat in Afganistan si i s-a acordat Steaua de Argint pentru curajul sau. La cateva saptamani dupa acest eveniment tragic, s-a aflat ca el fusese omorat intr-un schimb de focuri "amical", rezultand o mareata musamalizare militara a evenimentului de catre cei mai inalti demnitari de la Washington.