The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl 3-D (2005)
Aventurile lui Sharkboy si Lavagirl in 3-D
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Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 19-Mai-2022, 21:27
Actualizat: 19-Mai-2022, 21:57
The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl 3-D (2005), pentru WEB-DL. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
Everyone always knew that Max had a wild imagination, but no one believed that his wildest creations -- a boy raised by watchful great white sharks and a girl with the force of a volcano -- were real. Now, these two pint-sized action masters will show Max that even an ordinary kid has what it takes to be extraordinary.
O alta aventura de familie de la regizorul de succes al filmului “Spy Kids”, “The Adventures Of Sharkboy And Lavagirl” ofera distractie nonstop si ii aduce in prim plan pe favoritii Hollywood-ului: David Arquette, Kristin Davis si George Lopez. Toata lumea stia ca Max are o imaginatie debordanta... dar nimeni nu credea ca cele mai nastrusnice creatii ale sale - un baietel crescut de vigilentii rechini albi si o fetita cu forta unui vulcan - pot fi adevarati! Acum, aceste doua personaje…