Stockholm Bloodbath (2024)
Stockholm Bloodbath
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 8-Nov-2024, 19:29
Actualizat: 8-Nov-2024, 19:29
works only with the North American release (32 minutes shorter), does NOT work with Nordic or German BluRay , release date: November 8
Mai multe informații
In 1520, the notorious and power-hungry Danish King Christian II is determined to seize the Swedish crown from Sten Sture, no matter what it takes. Meanwhile, sisters Freja and Anne make a solemn promise to seek revenge on the men who brutally murdered their family. Everything comes to a head in the heart of Stockholm, where the sisters are drawn into a ruthless political struggle between Sweden and Denmark that culminates in a mass execution, presided over by the mad King "Christian the Tyrant," known as the Stockholm Bloodbath.
Anne si Freja cauta sa se razbune pe barbatii care le-au ucis familia. Cele doua ajung la Stockholm, unde devin implicate intr-o lupta pentru putere politica intre Suedia si Danemarca, care culmineaza cu o executie in masa.