Space Cowboys (2000)
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Adăugat: 13-Iul-2011, 16:57
Actualizat: 7-Feb-2019, 09:57
Space Cowboys (2000), pentru BluRay & DVD. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
Frank Corvin, ‘Hawk’ Hawkins, Jerry O'Neill and ‘Tank’ Sullivan were hotdog members of Project Daedalus, the Air Force's test program for space travel, but their hopes were dashed in 1958 with the formation of NASA and the use of trained chimps. They blackmail their way into orbit when Russia's mysterious ‘Ikon’ communications satellite's orbit begins to degrade and threatens to crash to Earth.
Clint Eastwood este Frank Corvin, liderul unei echipe de piloti de incercare si oameni de stiinta care fusesera dati deoparte cand NASA a preluat operatiunile spatiale. "Echipa Dedalus era formata din cativa baieti care se aflau inaintea timpului in anii '50", spune Eastwood. "Aveau o mentalitate de pionieri. Erau pionierii curselor spatiale timpurii - spargand barierele fonice si urcand in substratosfera. Chuck Yeager si ceilalti piloti ai anilor '50 nu au mers de fapt niciodata in spatiu. Dar …