Seunlau ngaklau (Time and Tide) (2000)
Impotriva curentului
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 10-Ian-2008, 11:03
Actualizat: 19-Mar-2019, 08:58
Time.and.Tide.2000.Bluray.1080p.DTS.x264-CHD (barusca); Time.And.Tide.2000.dvdrip.x264.ac3.6ch-[gx] si inca o varianta. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
Tyler is a restless, streetwise 21-year-old Hong Kong native who's had trouble gaining the trust of others all his life. He secretly fantasizes about living the good life in South America. After a while, he is forced to deal with the reality of impending fatherhood. Hankering for quick cash, however, he joins a bodyguard company. Later, he makes friends with a once disillusioned mercenary determined to begin life in a new way. However, their companionship is brief: they both are uncontrollably forced toward opposite sides of a deadly showdown...
Hong Kong, in zilele noastre... Dupa o noapte de betie, Tyler (Nicholas Tse) se trezeste dimineata alaturi de Ah Jo, o femeie agatata intr-un bar, si la scurta vreme afla ca a ramas insarcinata. Tyler, care de fapt visa la un trai exotic in Brazilia, se hotaraste sa-si asume responsabilitatea si se angajeaza ca bodyguard, ca sa stranga bani pentru copil. In ciuda bunelor lui intentii, Ah Jo, intamplator lesbiana si politista sub acoperire, nu vrea sa mai aiba de-a face cu Tyler. La noua lui sluj…
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