Monsters, Inc. (2001)
Compania Monstrilor
23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 14-Nov-2010, 17:54
Actualizat: 9-Mar-2020, 20:14
Monsters, Inc. (2001), pentru BluRay, WEB-DL & DVD. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
James Sullivan and Mike Wazowski are monsters, they earn their living scaring children and are the best in the business... even though they're more afraid of the children than they are of them. When a child accidentally enters their world, James and Mike suddenly find that kids are not to be afraid of and they uncover a conspiracy that could threaten all children across the world.
Actiunea filmului se petrece in Monstropolis, unde isi are sediul o companie unde lucreaza monstruleti de toate formele si marimile. James P. Sullivan (Sully, pentru prieteni) si bunul sau prieten Mike lucreaza si ei la aceasta companie ale carei resurse principale sunt tipetele copiilor speriati. Toti membrii acestei companii cred ca toti copiii sunt toxici, orice contact direct cu ei fiind interzis. Dar intr-o zi, dintr-o gresala a lui Sully, o fetita pe nume Boo il ur…