Mesto vstrechi izmenit nelzya (1979)
The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed
25.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 11-Mai-2009, 18:05
Actualizat: 17-Iul-2014, 22:49
Miniserie completa in 5 parti. Pentru Mesto Vstrechi Izmenit Nelzya [] si inca o varianta. Locul intilnirii nu poate fi schimbat, dupa romanul politist al fratilor Arkadi si Gheorghi Vainer "Era caritatii". Cu Vladimir Visotki si Vladimir Konkin. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
Summer of 1945. The salute of the Great Victory died down and the country is gradually returning to peaceful life. From "fire yes into the fire" a young reconnaissance commander Volodya Sharapov falls, having come to the MUR for distribution, to the department for combating banditry. In the city the Black Cat gang rages, terrifying Muscovites. Captain Gleb Zheglov enters the fray with the bandits, for whom Sharapov soon becomes his right hand.