Messenger of Death (Avenging Angels) (1988)
Mesagerul mortii
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 18-Ian-2007, 09:59
Actualizat: 19-Feb-2023, 20:42
Messenger of Death (1988), pentru BluRay (dickVader) & DVD. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
Wifes and children of the Mormon Orville Beecham become victims of a massacre in his own house. The police believes the crime had a religious motive. Orville doesn't give any comment on the case, is taken into protective custody. Journalist Smith persuades him to help him in the investigation - and finds out about economic motives for the murder.
Ce politistii nu sunt in stare sa faca, va face el. “Un film de suspans solid, eficient!” - Los Angeles Times Intr-un orasel adormit din Colorado, o crima oribila este comisa... si un singur om il poate aduce pe criminal in fata justitiei! Starul filmelor de actiune Charles Bronson este un reporter aflat intr-o neobosita cautare a adevarului, in acest thriller plin de suspans, stralucit regizat (Los Angeles Times). Este posibil ca o simpla neintelegere intre frati sa provoace masacrul br…