Les fous du stade (Stadium Nuts) (1972)
Les fous du stade
25.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 22-Feb-2015, 00:29
Actualizat: 22-Feb-2015, 00:29
Les Fous du Stade-IQ(=infect quality). Aranjat textul si adaugate diacritice. Enjoy! Multumiri traducatorului.
Mai multe informații
Les Charlots, a French rock group, continue their adventures, in the manner of the Beatles in Hard Day's Night. This is their second adventure. The foursome are on holiday, camping outside a village. The Olympic flame is going to pass through the village. A grocer, charged to prepare a celebration, calls upon the four to help. One of the four falls for the grocer's daughter. However, she runs away after the sportsman carrying the flame. The foursome set of to find her and win her back.
Grupul francez de rock Les Charlots isi continua aventurile. Cei patru sunt in vacanta, iar unul dintre ei se indragosteste de fiica bacanul din satul unde campasera. Cu toate acestea, ea fuge dupa sportivul care trecuse prin sat cu flacara olimpica. Cei patru pleaca in cautarea fetei...