L'uomo puma (The Pumaman) (1980)
L'uomo puma
23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 4-Mar-2013, 21:13
Actualizat: 4-Mar-2013, 21:13
L'uomo Puma 1980 tvrip italy. Traducere dupa sonor. Enjoy! Multumiri traducatoarei.
Mai multe informații
Low-budget superhero flick about a young man given a mystical medallion by a South American shaman, in order to become a puma- empowered champion like his father before him. In trying to locate the young man initially, the shaman has the nasty habit of pushing candidates out windows to test them.
Low-budget film about a young man given a mystical medallion by an Aztec shaman, in order to become a puma-empowered champion like his father before him. In trying to initially locate the ...
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