Komodo vs Cobra (2005)
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Adăugat: 4-Iul-2006, 15:18
Actualizat: 5-Ian-2021, 21:37
Komodo vs Cobra (2005), pentru WEBRip (per_SEMPRE) & DVDRip. Enjoy!
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A team of environmentalists, including a reporter, her camera man, and an environmentalist's famous girlfriend charter a boat and with the captain, sail to a military island. They suspect the island is hosting to illegal activities. Upon arrival, however, they find no one. They finally reach a deserted house, where they find Dr. Susan Richardson, who tells them that everyone on the island is dead, including her father. Richardson's team were working on a compound that could make edible plants grow to super size, however the military intervened with plans of their own. They wanted to test the compound's effects on animals, and proceeded to feed it to several komodo dragons and cobras.
O echipa de reporteri se deplaseaza pe o insula indepartata pentru a investiga o actiune de cercetare top secreta. Odata ajunsi, investigatorii observa ca nu exista nimeni pe insula. Intr-un final o gasesc pe doctorita Susan Richardson care le explica ca toata lumea este moarta si le povesteste ca cercetatorii experimentau un amestec de substante care facea plantele sa creasca extrem de mult intr-un timp foarte scurt. Experimentul a scapat de sub control atunci cand armata i-a fortat sa incerc…