Into the Blue 2: The Reef (2009)
Adancul Albastru 2: Reciful
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 14-Apr-2009, 09:01
Actualizat: 15-Apr-2009, 08:38
Into.The.Blue.2.The.Reef[2009.DvDrip-aXXo (EcKoD2),
Into The Blue 2 DVDRIP AC3 XVID-PrisM.
Mai multe informații
When they're hired to recover the lost treasure of Columbus, married scuba divers Sebastian and Dani think they've hit the jackpot. But as they get closer to the fortune, the couple begins to suspect their employers have their own agenda. Hitting upon the real plan, the two come to the chilling realization that they may be expendable and that there's much more than riches at stake.
Sebastian si Dani sunt scafandri profesionisti in Honolulu si cauta de patru ani o comoara scufundata pe langa recifurile de corali din Hawaii o data cu vaporul spaniol San Cristobal care o transporta. Atunci cand doi clienti dubiosi pe nume Azra si Carlton le arata o harta ce ar indica locul in care este ascunsa comoara si le promit suma de 500.000 de dolari pentru a o gasi, cei doi parteneri de viata accepta intelegerea si pornesc in cautarea containerelor ingropat…