Good for Nothing (2011)
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23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 17-Feb-2014, 20:33
Actualizat: 5-Dec-2022, 21:24
Good for Nothing (2011), pentru BluRay (dickVader) si DVD. Enjoy! Multumiri traducatorului.
Mai multe informații
GOOD FOR NOTHING is an adventurous romp set in the sweeping Old West from Mike Wallis in his directorial debut. Inspired by the Spaghetti Westerns and celebrating the Western genre with an interesting twist, the film follows an odd romance and the resulting emotional confusion of an outlaw who reluctantly develops strong feelings for a woman he has kidnapped.
Filmul urmareste o ciudata poveste de dragoste si confuzia emotionala a unui nelegiuit care dezvolta sentimente puternice pentru o femeie pe care a rapit-o. Dar atunci cand haiducul (Cohen Holloway) incearca s-o forteze pe tanara si frumoasa Isabella Montgomery (Inge Rademeyer), el se gaseste incapabil sa isi indeplineasca planul datorita unei crize de anxietate. Neputand intelege motivul disfunctiei sale erectile, haiducul porneste in cautarea unei solutii pentru prob…