Goltzius and the Pelican Company (2012)
Goltzius and the Pelican Company
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 30-Nov-2014, 22:38
Actualizat: 30-Nov-2014, 22:38
Release(s): Goltzius.And.The.Pelican.Company.2012.DVDRip.x264-RedBlade,
Mai multe informații
Goltzius and the Pelican Company tells the story of Hendrik Goltzius, a late 16th century Dutch printer and engraver of erotic prints. A contemporary of Rembrandt and, indeed, more celebrated during his life, Goltzius seduces the Margrave of Alsace into paying for a printing press to make and publish illustrated books. In return, he promises him an extraordinary book of pictures of illustrating the Old Testament’s biblical stories. Erotic tales of Lot and his daughters, David and Bathsheba, Samson and Deliah and John the Baptist and Salome. To tempt the Margrave further, Goltzius and his printing company will offer to perform dramatisations of these erotic stories for his court.
Hendrick Goltzius e un tipograf si gravor de printuri erotice din Olanda sfarsitului de secol 16. Ajuns la palatul Marchizului de Alsacia alaturi de compania sa de tipografi, actori si scriitori, The Pelican, Goltzius il convinge pe marchiz sa plateasca pentru o tiparnita cu care sa poata publica versiuni ilustrate din Vechiul Testament si din scrierile lui Ovidiu. In schimb, Goltzius si compania sa tipografica se ofera sa puna in scena, pentru marchiz si curtea sa, sase …