Even Angels Eats Beans (1973)
Gangsteri de ocazie
25.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 16-Feb-2008, 13:14
Actualizat: 16-Feb-2008, 13:14
Este un fil super beton sper sava ajute cu ceva aceasta subtitrare...Even.Angels.Eats. Beans.DvD.XviD va mai aduc in curid subtitrarii
Mai multe informații
Two nice guys, a wrestler and an Ice-cream vendor are mistaken for dangerous killers by an important local gangster, whose nickname is Sorriso. With the help of many coincidences they play along with Sorriso "working" for him, just to survive, but, when they receive the order to butcher the components of a very indigent family they are unmasked.
Luptatorul Charlie Smith si vanzatorul de inghetata, Sonny, sunt confundati de un gangster local cu niste asasini periculosi. Pentru a supravietui, cei doi intra in joc, pana cand gangsterul le ordona sa macelareasca o familie nevinovata.