El raton Perez 2 (The Hairy Tooth Fairy) (2008)
Soricelul Perez
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 30-Apr-2009, 23:10
Actualizat: 30-Apr-2009, 23:10
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Mai multe informații
Eight year old Lucas would like to know how the Tooth Fairy exchanges coins for teeth without getting caught. He is determined to stay awake all night to find out. Meanwhile, a little mouse falls into a trap set by a dishonest contractor who is desperate to tell the world his secret, that the mouse is the Tooth Fairy. Lucas and his family has to do everything in their power to help the sweet little mouse with its mission, which since time immemorial, is to make children happy...
Povestea micutului soricel continua cu noi aventuri! Perez are acum un job si pe timp de zi. Lucreaza la o fabrica de perle, iar noapte revine la sarcinile lui obisnuite: colectarea maselutelor ascunse sub pernele copiilor. Nu reuseste niciodata sa se odihneasca si... incet, incet acest lucru se face simtit. Intr-una din nopti, Perez trebuie sa mearga acasa la Lucas sa-i fure dintele cazut. Imediat ce a ajuns acolo observa ca pustiul era treaz si il astepta... O adevarata aventura am…