Dragon Around (1954)
Dragon Around
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Adăugat: 7-Iul-2022, 08:43
Actualizat: 25-Feb-2025, 11:41
Dragon Around (1954), pentru WEB-DL. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
Lost in a book of fairy tales, Dale imagines what it might be like to do battle with a vicious dragon---and thanks to Donald he'll soon get to find out. As Donald moves his hulking steam shovel into position, intent on clearing a path right through their tree for a new freeway, Chip and Dale ready themselves for battle just like the knights of old. With a tuna can for armor and a hat pin for a lance, Chip charges into battle atop his trusty steed, Dale. But with some quick thinking, Donald makes his phony dragon a fire breather. Who will prevail in the medieval battle for the junkyard?
Chip și Dale se pregătesc de luptă la fel ca cavalerii de altădată când Donald își mișcă lopata cu aburi în poziție, cu intenția de a elibera o cale chiar prin copacul lor. Cine va învinge în bătălia medievală pentru depozitul de vechituri?