Caboblanco (Cabo Blanco) (1980)
23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 2-Feb-2014, 19:57
Actualizat: 2-Feb-2014, 19:57
Caboblanco (1980) 1CD=896 MB. Schimbata in ANSI si adaugate diacritice. Enjoy! Multumiri traducatorului.
Mai multe informații
Giff Hoyt, a cafe owner in Cabo Blanco, Peru after World War II is caught between refuge-seeking Nazis and their enemies. After the murder of a sea explorer is passed off as accidental death by the corrupt local police, Giff becomes suspicious. The police chief also intimidates a new arrival Marie, and Giff intervenes to help her. Giff suspects Beckdorff, a Nazi refugee living in the area. Beckdorff, it emerges, is seeking to uncover sunken treasure.
Intr-un mic port de pescari din Peru, serviciile secrete britanice, vaduva unui luptator francez din Rezistenta si cativa fosti nazisti se straduiesc sa descopere un tezaur scufundat...
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