Bandoleros (Ladron que roba a ladron) (2007)
Niste talhari pe cinste
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 30-Ian-2008, 23:10
Actualizat: 4-Feb-2008, 14:16
Corectarea ShoricuTz
Mai multe informații
Emilio, a Colombian con man, arrives in LA with two weeks to complete his plan to rob a former colleague, Claudio Silvestrini, who's made a fortune using infomercials to peddle snake oil to Latin immigrants. Emilio's friend Alejandro, who sells pirated DVDs, has assembled a team of amateurs, who, as Alejandro says, will go unnoticed because they're immigrants. The team must gain entry to Silvestrini's well-guarded mansion, steal two keys to access a vault, and then get the money off the property. A father and his tomboy daughter, a nervous Cuban actor, a techie, and a muscle man make up the team, plus Alejandro has been courting Silvestrini's nanny. Will they be enough?
Emilio, un escroc columbian, ajunge in Los Angeles si are la dispozitie doua saptamani pentru a-si indeplini planul de a-l jefui pe un fost partener, Claudio Silvestrini. Claudio a facut avere vanzand ulei de sarpe imigrantilor latini. Alejandro, prietenul lui Emilio care vinde DVD-uri piratate, intocmeste o echipa de amatori. Acestia trebuie sa patrunda neobservati in vila bine pazita a lui Silvestrini si sa fure toti banii.