All the Freckles in the World (Todas las pecas del mundo) (2019)
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23.976 FPS
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Adăugat: 11-Ian-2020, 18:42
Actualizat: 11-Ian-2020, 18:42
All the Freckles in the World (2019), pentru WEB-DL. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
Teen comedy set in the school-year of 1994. José is the new kid on high-school, falling immediately for the popular and freckled Christina. Trying to impress her, he's going to unsuccessfully join the soccer try-outs. Is he shooting way out of his league?
La 13 ani, Jose Miguel este imun la febra Campionatului Mondial din 1994 pana cand descopera ca fotbalul este cheia catre inima fetei de care s-a indragostit.