All About the Benjamins (2002)
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23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 3-Ian-2017, 21:45
Actualizat: 26-Mar-2017, 23:32
All.About.the.Benjamins.2002.1080p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H264-FGT; All.About.the.Benjamins.2002.WEB-DL.x264-RARBG; All.About.The.Benjamins.DVDRip.DivX-DVL. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
Bucum Jackson (Cube) is a bounty hunter with a lot of attitude and no interest in taking on a partner. Working at Martinez Bail Bonds, Jackson has unorthodox methods of tracking down low-life criminals, but they work, and one day he hopes to become his own boss and open up his own private investigation firm. Reggie Wright (Epps) is a slippery con artist who is avoiding the law, and Jackson. During a cat and mouse chase, the two stumble on a multi-million dollar diamond heist. Hiding from Jackson, Wright finds himself in the thieves' getaway van and ends up having to escape from them after they discover their booty is fake, much to the displeasure of their ruthless boss (Flanagan). When Wright meets up with his girlfriend (Mendes), he discovers that his recently purchased lottery ticket is the sole winner of $60 million. Unfortunately, his wallet, which held the ticket, was left in the thieves' van, so he persuades Jackson to help him get it back.
Ice Cube este Bucum Jackson, un vanator de recompense aflat pe urmele lui Reggie Wright (interpretat de Mike Epps), un infractor care a reusit sa scape din inchisoare. Bucum este cat pe ce sa-l captureze pe Reggie, dar, din intamplare, cei doi surprind un jaf exact in momentul desfasurarii lui. In invalmaseala creata, Reggie reuseste sa scape de Bucum si de hotii de diamante, dar isi pierde portofelul, in care avea un bilet castigator la loterie. Reggie isi vrea portofelul inapoi, Bucum vrea sa…