Agents Secrets (2004)
Agenti secreti
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 30-Dec-2005, 00:00
Actualizat: 30-Dec-2005, 00:00
Mai multe informații
From his offices in Switzerland, Russian Igor Lipovsky is engaged in a vast and profitable gunrunning operation with Africa. The French government wants to hinder the activities of the arms dealer and sends a team to sink one of his ships heading for Angola with a load of illegal weaponry. Lisa, Brisseau, Loïc, Tony and Raymond are professionals: they carefully set up their cover, plan all their moves meticulously, and carry out orders without asking questions. Perhaps they should. The code-name of the mission is "Janus"; and just like with the ancient deity, there are two opposite faces for every aspect of the operation: the objective of the French government, the role of each team member, the presumed friend and the assumed foe...
Algeciras, un orasel din sudul Spaniei. Un barbat este asasinat de ucigasi platiti rusi. Asupra cadavrului se gaseste un cip cu informatii pretioase despre o retea clandestina de traficanti de arme si diamante ce actioneaza in Africa. Lipovsky, un om de afaceri din Elvetia, este creierul retelei. Doi agenti secreti, capitanul Georges Brisseau si coechipiera lui, Lisa, insotiti de Lois si Raymond, inotatori specializati in lupte, au ca misiune descoperirea si distrugerea retelei si neutralizare…