Subtitrare Family Guy Presents: Stewie Griffin - The Untold S

Animație, Aventură, Comedie

6.931 / 10

(332 voturi)


88 min


Pete Michels, Peter Shin


Seth MacFarlane, Alex Borstein, Seth Green

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Family Guy Presents: Stewie Griffin - The Untold S (2005) Subtitrare Family Guy Presents: Stewie Griffin - The Untold S - ro

Family Guy Presents: Stewie Griffin - The Untold Story






23.976 FPS

Număr CD-uri / Episoade




Adăugat: 28-Aug-2006, 21:28

Actualizat: 28-Aug-2006, 00:00

varianta perfect sincronizata pentru varianta DVD-rip de 700 MB.

Mai multe informații

The major sub-plot circles around the youngest Griffin, Stewie, who has a near-death experience at a pool when a lifeguard chair falls on him, but he survives. After having a vision of being in Hell, he decides to change his ways, but this doesn't last long. While watching television, he and Brian spot a man that looks like Stewie. Brian is convinced that he is Stewie's real father, until Stewie learns that the man is actually himself as an adult, taking a vacation from his own time period. Baby Stewie visits thirty years later to discover that his adult self, going by the name Stu, is a single blue-collar middle-aged virgin working at a Circuit City-type store. Meanwhile, Peter and Lois are trying to teach their two older kids, Meg and Chris, to date. In the future, Chris, who hasn't changed much, is working as a cop and is married to a foul-mouthed hustler named Vanessa. Meg is now called Ron, since she had a sex-change after college. Written by pepperann210

Stewie, maniacul bebelus geniu, este distras de la planurile sale de cucerire a lumii de un incident care ar fi putut sa-i rapeasca viata. Acum un nou om, Stewie se poarta frumos cu toata lumea, creandu-si o cu totul alta imagine. Dar cand vede la televizor un barbat care seamana enorm de mult cu el, convins de faptul ca Peter nu poate fi tatal lui adevarat, porneste in cautarea misteriosului personaj alaturi de cainele familiei, Brian. Insa calatoria lor ii va conduce catre niste adevaruri mult…
