Zavet (2007)
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 5-Mar-2008, 23:35
Actualizat: 5-Mar-2008, 23:35
Mai multe informații
An old man named Zivojin Markovic, living in a remote village prays for his grandson Cane to go to the city, sell his cow and bring back a wife. In the city he is supposed to meet up with his grandfather's stepbrother, but this man is dead. Instead, he meets this man's two grandsons, two good-natured brothers who are nevertheless small-time criminals and experts in demolition. Cane soon clicks with these men, and also falls in love with a schoolgirl (Jasna), who he wants to marry as part of his testament with his grandfather. He gets involved in this girl's family affairs, rescuing both her and her mother from prostitution and gangsters headed by a man called Bajo, and the new group of people return to the small village in time to celebrate Zivojin's wedding to his neighbor, despite the gangsters' best efforts to stop the celebration, which results in a double wedding.
Intr-un sat situat departe de civilizatie locuiesc adolescentul Tsane impreuna cu bunicul sau sugubat, Zivojin Markovic. Scoala din sat are un singur elev (Tsane) si o singura profesoara la care se uita cu jind atat bunicul cat si nepotul. Zivojin este un om inventiv si original, deosebit de inteligent, care rade atat de naivitatea nepotului sau cat si de prostia petitorului profesoarei din sat, pregatindu-le capcane de toate soiurile. Observand schimbarile firesti o …