When You're Strange (2009)
When You're Strange
29.970 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 8-Ian-2011, 18:28
Actualizat: 8-Ian-2011, 18:28
Un documentar ce contine imagini inedite - despre Jim Morrison si celebra formatie The Doors.
Narator Johnny Depp.
Rog foarte mult - cineva care sa poata faca o traducere in romana.
Mai multe informații
The creative chemistry of four brilliant artists —drummer John Densmore, guitarist Robby Kreiger, keyboardist Ray Manzarek and singer Jim Morrison— made The Doors one of America's most iconic and influential rock bands. Using footage shot between their formation in 1965 and Morrison's death in 1971, it follows the band from the corridors of UCLA's film school, where Manzarek and Morrison met, to the stages of sold-out arenas.
Relatare cronologica a evolutiei trupei rock "The Doors", cu accentul pe interpret - Jim Morrison (1943-1971) - de la infiintarea ei in 1965, primele spectacole, primul album, pana la moartea lui Morrison, dupa ani de consum in exces de alcool si droguri.