Van Gogh (1991)
Van Gogh
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 9-Iul-2015, 08:38
Actualizat: 2-Aug-2021, 20:52
Van Gogh (1991), pentru BluRay (per_SEMPRE). Enjoy!
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In late spring, 1890, Vincent moves to Auvers-sur-Oise, near Paris, under the care of Dr. Gachet, living in a humble inn. Fewer than 70 days later, Vincent dies from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. We see Vincent at work, painting landscapes and portraits. His brother Theo, wife Johanna, and their baby visit Auvers. Vincent is playful and charming, engaging the attentions of Gachet's daughter Marguerite (who's half Vincent's age), a young maid at the inn, Cathy a Parisian prostitute, and Johanna. Shortly before his death, Vincent visits Paris, quarrels with Theo, disparages his own art and accomplishments, dances at a brothel, and is warm then cold toward Marguerite.
Dupa internarea la azil, Vincent Van Gogh se instaleaza la Auvers-sur-Oise, la dr. Gachet, iubitor de arta si protector al pictorilor. Aici, el isi traieste ultimele doua luni de viata.Tot filmul se petrece in anul 1890 si prezinta intr-un mod realist si detaliat ultimele 67 de zile din viata genialului pictor. Actorul principal din film a fost premiat in 1992 pentru interpretarea rolului Vincent Van Gogh cu premiul Cesar pentru ,,Cel mai bun actor". In centrul …
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