Unsealed: Alien Files (2012)
Dosarele extraterestrilor
29.970 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 12-Iun-2019, 09:49
Actualizat: 12-Iun-2019, 09:49
Sezonul 1, pt.1080p WEB-DL.
Mai multe informații
In 2011, a vault of government files were released to the public by the Freedom of Information Act. Among these, the Blue Planet Project, containing thousands of reports on UFO sightings and alien activity...these were the files they didn't want you to see! Now Alien Files: Unsealed investigates these recently-released documents and re-examines key evidence and follows developing leads of mass UFO sightings, personal abductions, government cover-ups and breaking alien news from around the world. The show also delves into the "photoshopping" of space, the value of Wikileaks, and the role social media plays in alien stories. Finally, the newly released documents are analysed to see how alien visitations may have affected our past, and what influence they may have on our future. Exposing the biggest secret on planet Earth, Alien Files: Unsealed will have believers wanting more and skeptics questioning their long-held beliefs!
In anul 2011, in SUA, numeroase dosare secrete au fost puse la dispozitia publicului urmare aplicarii Legii Libertatii de Informare. Printre acestea, se afla si Proiectul Planeta Albastra (Blue Planet Project) ce contine mii de rapoarte despre aparitii de farfurii zburatoare si activitati ale unor entitati extraterestre - pe care autoritatile americane le-au tinut multa vreme la secret. Fiecare episod prezinta un caz dintre cele continute in aceste documente. Sunt reexami…