To Walk Invisible: The Brontë Sisters (2016)
Viata surorilor Bronte
25.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 25-Dec-2019, 21:55
Actualizat: 26-Dec-2019, 01:31
To Walk Invisible: The Brontë Sisters (2016), pentru HDTV & DVDRip (DISTEL). Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
To Walk Invisible takes a new look at the extraordinary Brontë family, telling the story of these remarkable women who, despite the obstacles they faced, came from obscurity to produce some of the greatest novels in the English language.
O cronica a luptei surorilor Bronte de a depasi obstacolele si de a-si publica romanele, care vor deveni unele dintre cele mai apreciate din lume.