The Soul Keeper (Prendimi l'anima) (2002)
Prendimi l'anima
25.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 29-Iun-2012, 17:48
Actualizat: 29-Iun-2012, 17:48
The Soul Keeper (2002) pentru varianta DVDRip. Multumiri traducatoarei. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
Zurich, 1905. 19-year-old Russian Sabina Spielrein is put by her parents in a psychiatric hospital, suffering from a severe form of hysteria and refusing to eat. A compassionate doctor, Carl Gustav Jung, takes her under his care and, for the first time, experiments with the psychoanalytical method of his teacher Sigmund Freud. Thus is born a sweeping story of love and passion, of body and soul, soaring to the utmost heights, but also plunging to the darkest depths of the 20th century.
Bazat pe fapte reale, acest film povesteste viata Sabinei Spielrein. In 1905 Sabina in varsta de 19 ani, suferinda de o forma grea de dezechilibru psihic a fost adusa la clinica lui Carl Gustav Jung in Elvetia. Tanarul medic acorda o atentie deosebita acestei paciente si aplicand metodele lui Freud, mentorul sau, reuseste s-o vindece, intre ei nascandu-se o dragoste pasionala. Dupa multi ani Sabina hotaraste sa se intoarca in Rusia post-revolutionara, devenind acolo un mare psihoterapeut si fond…