The Pride and the Passion (1957)
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25.000 FPS
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Adăugat: 9-Apr-2018, 16:56
Actualizat: 9-Apr-2018, 16:56
The Pride and the Passion (1957), pentru DVD. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
During the Napoleonic Wars, when the French have occupied Spain, some Spanish guerrilla soldiers are going to move a big cannon across Spain in order to help the British defeat the French. A British officer is there to accompany the Spanish and along the way, he falls in love with the leader's girl.
"O poveste de dragoste. Dimensiuni epice. Unul dintre acele filme care are cate ceva pentru fiecare dintre noi" - Newsweek Trupele lui Napoleon matura Europa, iar Spania este pe punctul de a capitula in fata necrutatoarei invazii. Un singur luptator a ramas sa le tina piept invadatorilor, impreuna cu neinfricata sa trupa de gherila. Cary Grant, Frank Sinatra si Sophia Loren sunt magistrali in acest film clasic de razboi "tensionant, captivant si plin de suspans" (The Hollywood Reporter). Reusin…