The Original Kings of Comedy (2000)
Regii comediei
23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 28-Mar-2007, 23:11
Actualizat: 9-Dec-2008, 12:30
Adaugata inca o versiune de 1 CD(1,05 GB) - sincronizarea Darkster.
Mai multe informații
The Original Kings of Comedy achieves the seemingly impossible task of capturing the rollicking and sly comedy routines of stand-up and sitcom vets Steve Harvey, D.L. Hughley, Cedric the Entertainer, and Bernie Mac and the magic of experiencing a live concert show. Director Spike Lee and his crew plant a multitude of cameras in a packed stadium and onstage (as well as backstage, as they follow the comedians) to catch the vivid immediacy of the show, which is as much about the audience as it is about the jokes.
Regii comediei este o selectie dintr-un turneu sustinut intre 1997 si 1999 de patru comici afro-americani foarte populari peste ocean, mai ales ca fiecare dintre ei are propriul sitcom de succes. Este vorba de Steve Harvey, Cedric, D.L. Hughley si Bernie Mac. Regii Comediei au stabilit un record de audienta fara precedent pe parcursul celor doi ani de spectacole, reusind printre altele sa vanda mai multe bilete (la un tarif minim de 50$) decat Backstreet Boys in turneu. De exemplu, la Madison …