The Night of the Grizzly (1966)
The Night of the Grizzly
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Adăugat: 13-Sep-2015, 04:30
Actualizat: 14-Mai-2016, 18:35
The Night Of The Grizzly (1966) VHSRIP si inca 2 variante. Aranjat textul si adaugate diacritice. Enjoy! Multumiri traducatorului.
Mai multe informații
Marshall "Big Jim" Cole turns in his badge and heads to Wyoming with his family in order to settle on some land left him by a relative. He faces opposition both from a neighbor who wants that land for his own sons, and from a grizzly bear nicknamed "Satan" who keeps killing Cole's livestock.
Ex-lawman Jim Cole retires to Wyoming to farm his land but a land-greedy neighbor, an ex-con turned bounty hunter and a vicious grizzly bear upset his retirement plans.