The Magical Legend of the Leprechauns (1999)
Magica legenda a spiridusilor
25.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 21-Mai-2008, 09:31
Actualizat: 21-Mai-2008, 09:31
Pentru varianta de 1,36 GB.
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In a land of myth and magic, a wondrous legend is about to come true! Welcome to the end of the rainbow, where love, fortune and fantasy await the lucky! Spectacular special effects, a star-studded international cast, and a story as timeless as the Emerald Isle itself combine to create a fantastical tale that will touch hearts and dazzle the imagination! The adventure begins as American Jack Woods (Randy Quaid) finds himself far from home in a quaint Irish village where he reluctantly befriends a ragtag group of leprechauns. When a forbidden love affair ignites an ancient war between the leprechauns and the trooping fairies, The Grand Banshee (Whoopi Goldberg) warns of impending doom. Jack is appointed to restore harmony...but will peace prevail before the unthinkable happens
Jack Woods, un afacerist american, soseste in Irlanda cu intentia de a cumpara diverse proprietati si a realiza contracte profitabile pentru firma la care lucra. Ajungand intr-un orasel pitoresc, el inchiriaza o casa si isi incepe cercetarile legate de minunata zona, bucurandu-se de obiceiurile locale si cunoscand o multime de oameni, printre care si frumoasa Kathleen, o tanara irlandeza destul de incapatanata, care avea grija de o intreaga gospodarie si de fratii sai. Fara ca sa creada in poves…