The Lone Gunmen - Sezonul 1 (2001)
The Lone Gunmen
23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 13-Apr-2009, 21:23
Actualizat: 21-Nov-2023, 12:49
Sezonul 1 complet, 13 episoade, pentru DVDRip (nikusor). Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
After years of playing second fiddle to Agents Mulder and Scully on The X-Files, the trio of computer-hacking conspiracy geeks popularly known as The Lone Gunmen are finally heading out on their own. Never ones to stray far from the center of corporate and government intrigue, the threesome play like a misguided Mission Impossible team, embarking on a series of comic adventures that simultaneously highlight their genius and ineptitude.
Pornind de la "copilul" mai bătrân, "The X-Files", Chris Carter crează un spin-off, prin care ne este prezentată în detaliu, lumea celor trei hackeri cunoscuţi ca "The Lone Gunman"...