The Legend of Johnny Lingo (2003)
Legenda lui Johnny Lingo
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 12-Iun-2007, 18:47
Actualizat: 12-Iun-2007, 18:47
Mai multe informații
When a storm washes a canoe bearing an infant boy ashore upon a small South Pacific island, he is at first well-received as a gift from the heavens, even to the point of the tribal chief adopting him as a successor. However, with time as hardships are blamed upon Tama (as he is named), he is finally outcast to live with the poorest people on the island, Mahana and her drunken father. Mahana is considered homely and undesirable, but Tama feels differently, so when he is old enough to build a craft to sail away, he vows to return for her one day. A lucky stroke brings him to land upon the island of the legendary Johnny Lingo, the wealthiest trader in the islands, and after years of service to him, Tama has learned much about life and himself as he dreams of honoring his pledge to Mahana.
Atunci cand un pusti este trimis intr-o indepartata si izolata insula din Arhipelagul Polinezian si e rebotezat cu numele de Tama, el e primit cu bucurie de seful tribului bastinas si cu teama de sotia acestuia, care observa cu ingrijorare ca noul baiat e favorizat in detrimentul propriului ei fiu. Tama e astfel ostracizat si alungat din mult iubita lui insula de adoptie. Baiatul isi face un tel din a se intoarce pentru a o regasi si a o recuceri pe marea sa iubire din copilarie, frumoasa Mahana…