The Last Frontier (The Final Stand) Podolskie kursanty (2020)
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23.976 FPS
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Adăugat: 4-Dec-2021, 22:21
Actualizat: 5-Dec-2021, 05:12
The Last Frontier (2020), pentru BluRay (per_SEMPRE). Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
The story of the Podolsk cadets’ heroic stand outside Moscow in October 1941. Cadets were sent to the Ilyinsky line, fighting alongside units from the Soviet 43rd Army to hold back the German advance until reinforcements arrived. Hopelessly outnumbered, young men laid down their lives in a battle lasting almost two weeks to obstruct the far superior German forces advancing towards Moscow. Around 3,500 cadets and their commanding officers were sent to hold up the last line of defense outside Moscow. Most of them remained there for eternity.
Filmul spune povestea eroica a cadetilor din Podolsk in afara Moscovei in octombrie 1941. Cadetii din scolile de infanterie si artilerie din Podolsk au fost trimisi pe linia de aparare Ilyinsky, luptand alaturi de unitati din Armata a 43-a sovietica pentru a opri avansul german pana cand au sosit intaririle. Depasiti fara speranta, tinerii adolescenti si-au dat viata intr-o lupta care a durat aproape doua saptamani, pentru a impiedica inaintarea fortelor ger…