The Big Sky (1952)
Tinuturi nesfarsite
25.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 28-Mar-2015, 21:04
Actualizat: 25-Iun-2015, 20:15
The Big Sky 1CD=1.520.492.544 bytes; The Big Sky (Western 1952) Kirk Douglas 720p 1CD=984.644.364 bytes (cp65) si inca o varianta. Multumiri traducatorului. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
Two tough Kentucky mountaineers join a trading expedition from St. Louis up the Missouri River to trade whisky for furs with the Blackfoot Indians. They soon discover that there is much more than the elements to contend with.
The success of the journey focuses on keeping the Indian girl alive as well as themselves to complete trade with the Blackfeet.