Tarzan Goes to India (1962)
Tarzan in India
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 8-Aug-2016, 19:25
Actualizat: 18-Feb-2022, 16:26
Tarzan Goes to India (1962), pentru BluRay & DVDRip. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
Summoned by an Indian princess, Tarzan travels to India where hundreds of wild elephants are in danger. A company is building a hydroelectric dam and the contractors have only a few weeks to finish the job. The building of the dam will flood the valley surrounded by mountains. There is one pass through which the elephant herd can escape but that is being closed. Tarzan comes up against an old nemesis, Bryce, the chief engineer. Bryce undertook a similar dam project in Africa and had a penchant for shooting elephants. It's up to Tarzan to organize the move before Bryce manages to close the pass.
Tarzan e chemat in India, pentru a ajuta la salvarea elefantilor pusi in pericol prin construirea unui lac de acumulare, care urmeaza sa inunde teritoriul populat de pahiderme. Tarzan va trebui sa se lupte nu doar cu afaceristii interesati exclusiv de profit, ci si cu elefantii recalcitranti.
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