Stay (2005)
Ramai cu noi
25.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 2-Nov-2005, 00:00
Actualizat: 2-Nov-2005, 00:00
Mai multe informații
Psychiatrist Sam Foster has a new patient, Henry Letham, who claims to be suicidal. In trying to diagnose him, Sam visits Henry's prior therapist and also finds Henry's mother -- even though Henry has said that he murdered both of his parents. As reality starts to contradict fact, Sam spirals into an unstable mental state. Then he finds a clue as to how and when Henry may try to kill himself, and races to try to stop him.
Un student sinucigas si medicul sau patrund intr-o lume supranaturala plina de teroare in filmul STAY.Henry Lethem (Ryan Gosling) planifica sa se sinucida in decurs de trei zile, daca psihologul sau Sam Foster (Ewan McGregor) nu reuseste sa-l opreasca.Harry a avut parte de viziuni terifiante si a auzit voci, dar unde incepe imaginatia si unde se termina realitatea? Sam se vede pierzandu-si simtul realitatii in timp ce viata sa devine un iad undeva intre viata si moarte.Cu aj…