Spartacus (1960)
23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 3-Aug-2010, 21:47
Actualizat: 7-Feb-2020, 16:14
Spartacus (1960), pentru BluRay (dickVader) & DVD. Enjoy! R.I.P KIRK DOUGLAS, 9 decembrie 1916 - 5 februarie 2020
Mai multe informații
The rebellious Thracian Spartacus, born and raised a slave, is sold to Gladiator trainer Batiatus. After weeks of being trained to kill for the arena, Spartacus turns on his owners and leads the other slaves in rebellion. As the rebels move from town to town, their numbers swell as escaped slaves join their ranks. Under the leadership of Spartacus, they make their way to southern Italy, where they will cross the sea and return to their homes.
Una dintre capodoperele cinematografice din toate timpurile, Spartacus este un film absolut inaltator realizat de genialul si bulversantul regizor Stanley Kubrick. Povestea sclavului rebel transformat in cel mai feroce gladiator al Imperiului Roman are un ritm delirant, o succesiune incredibila de secvente grandioase si o suita de recitaluri actoricesti de exceptie. Kirk Douglas, Laurence Olivier, Peter Ustinov si Tony Curtis au marcat iremediabil istoria celei de-a saptea arte in …