Ride a Crooked Trail (1958)
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Adăugat: 7-Mai-2015, 00:19
Actualizat: 7-Mai-2015, 00:19
Ride a Crooked Trail [1958] . Multumiri traducatorului. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
After robbing a bank Murphy assumes the identity of his pursuer, a famous US Marshal, when he stumbles into a town and is confronted by the local judge, Matthau. Murphy is forced to remain as the new Marshal; an old flame, Scala, nearly unmasks him by accident, only to be forced to assume the ruse of being Murphy's wife. The "couple" given a house and respectability, which neither has had before. They maintain the charade to avoid hurting a young orphan boy, Matthau's ward. Scala is torn by her loyalty to boyfriend planning to rob the bank and growing feelings for Murphy
Joe Maybe, spargator de banci dat in urmarire generala, ajunge in oraselul Little Rock, unde e confundat cu noul serif, asteptat sa-si ia functia in primire. Desi la inceput nu e deloc incantat de situatie, Joe isi da seama in curand ca noua sa pozitie ii aduce numai beneficii.
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