Rick and Morty: Summer meets God (Rick meets Evil) (2021)
Rick și Morty: Summer îl întâlnește pe Dumnezeu (Rick întâlnește răul)
23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 31-Aug-2024, 20:05
Actualizat: 20-Ian-2025, 01:53
Rick and Morty: Summer meets God (Rick meets Evil), (2021), pentru WEB-DL. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
Summer's new boyfriend isn't human, Jerry's in big trouble as usual, and Rick is well - just being Rick. Don't miss the new Rick and Morty short, Summer meets God from Takashi Sano acclaimed director of the Tower of God series.
Noul iubit al lui Summer nu e om, Jerry are probleme, ca de obicei, și Rick este... Rick.