Rest Stop (2006)
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Adăugat: 14-Oct-2006, 22:42
Actualizat: 7-Ian-2014, 03:01
Rest.Stop.Dead.Ahead.2006.UNCUT.1080p.BluRay.x264-PUZZLE (Jondak); Rest.Stop.2006.UNRATED.DVDRip.XviD-AXIAL. Pentru JimmyX, mare amator de horror. Enjoy it!
Mai multe informații
In Texas, the aspirant actress Nicole Carrow runs away home to Los Angeles with her boyfriend Jess Hilts. They drive through a shortcut in an old road, and when they park in a rest stop, Jess is abducted by the sadistic driver of an old yellow truck. Along the night, Nicole is threatened by the sick maniac, while mysterious things happen to her in the place.
Personajul principal este Nicole Carrow, o tanara care este hartuita de un ucigas in serie, dupa ce iubitul ei Jess dispare misterios, in timpul opririi la un popas.