Raid on Entebbe (1977)
Raid on Entebbe
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 25-Oct-2008, 21:35
Actualizat: 25-Oct-2008, 21:35
Mai multe informații
Based on a true Military operation by Israeli commandos. An Air France flight is hijacked by the PFLP. The plane has about 100 Jewish passengers. The plane is grounded in Uganda. Israelis would not negotiate. The movie then shows how less than 500 soldiers actually flew so far and rescued the passengers in one of the most successful Military operations in history. The only casualty for Israeli soldiers was Lt. Col. Jonathan "Yoni" Netanyahu..
Film inspirat de un caz real. Un zbor Air France cu destinatia Atena este deturnat de teroristi ai Frontului Popular pentru Eliberarea Palestinei. Avionul cu aproximativ 100 de pasageri evrei este directionat catre Aeroportul Entebbe din Uganda. Teroristii solicita in schimbul ostaticilor eliberarea a 40 de militanti palestinieni tinuti in Israel. Israelienii nu negociaza si pregatesc o indrazneata operatiune de comando pentru eliberarea lor. Filmul arata cum, mai putin de 500 de soldati…