Pyaar To Hona Hi Tha (1998)
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Adăugat: 1-Iun-2016, 05:41
Actualizat: 1-Iun-2016, 05:41
Release(s): Pyaar To Hona Hi Tha (1998) DVDRip ,
Mai multe informații
Sanjana loves Rahul, but Rahul treats Sanjana as a friend. He is attracted to Nisha, and announces that he will be marrying her soon. Sanjana does not take kindly to this, and in her heart hopes to make Rahul change his mind. She hires Shekhar to be her lover/boyfriend, and go out with her, so as to make Rahul jealous. This does not work, Rahul is drawn even closer to Nisha, and Shekhar finds himself falling in love with Sanjana. Sanjana finds herself getting attracted to Shekhar, only to find out that the police, especially Inspector Khan, would like to arrest Shekhar for criminal activities
Sanjana, o femeie extrem de neindemanatica, traieste in Franta, cu unchiul ei si este pe cale sa se casatoreasca cu Rahul. Rahul trebuie sa mearga in India, intr-o calatorie de afaceri, iar Sanjana insista sa mearga cu el, dar in ultimul moment renunta, fiindu-i frica sa zboare. Odata ajuns in India, Rahul se indragosteste de Nisha si nu intentioneaza sa se mai intoarca la Paris, ca sa se casatoreasca cu Sanjana. Devastata, Sanjana decide ca trebuie sa plece in India pentru a-si recastiaga iubit…