Pil's Adventures (Pil) (2021)
Aventurile lui Pil
23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 2-Sep-2022, 00:11
Actualizat: 2-Sep-2022, 02:39
Pil's Adventures (2021), pentru WEB-DL. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
Pil, a little vagabond girl, lives on the streets of the medieval city of Roc-en-Brume, along with her three tame weasels. She survives of food stolen from the castle of the sinister Regent Tristain. One day, to escape his guards, Pil disguises herself as a princess. Thus she embarks upon a mad, delirious adventure, together with Crobar, a big clumsy guard who thinks she's a noble, and Rigolin, a young crackpot jester. Pil is going to have to save Roland, rightful heir to the throne under the curse of a spell. This adventure will turn the entire kingdom upside down, and teach Pil that nobility can be found in all of us.
O copila curajoasa se deghizeaza in printesa pentru a salva regatul si pe mostenitorul tronului.Pil este orfana si locuieste pe strazile din Roc-en-Brume. Ajutata de trei nevastuici imblanzite, ea fura mancare de la castelul odiosului Tristain, uzurpatorul tronului. Intr-o zi, pentru a scapa de garzile care o urmaresc, Pil se deghizeaza in printesa. Fara voia ei, ajunge sa participe la marea salvare a lui Roland, mostenitorul tronului, ajuns victima a unei vraji c…
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