Out of Time (2003)
23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 27-Nov-2003, 00:00
Actualizat: 27-Aug-2014, 15:42
Out.of.Time.2003.720p.Blu-ray.DD5.1.x264-TayTO; Out.Of.Time.2003.DVDRip.XviD.AC3.5.1CH-WAF (Misha) si inca o varianta de 1 CD. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
Matt Lee Whitlock, respected chief of police in small Banyan Key, Florida, must solve a vicious double homicide before he himself falls under suspicion. Matt Lee has to stay a few steps ahead of his own police force and everyone he's trusted in order to find out the truth.
Sa presupunem ca tot ce stiai pana acum - tot ce ai crezut - a devenit o mare minciuna. Pentru Matt Lee Whitlock, cosmarul a devenit realitate! Matt (Denzel Washington) este seful politiei in micul orasel din Florida: Banyan Key. Un om muncitor, care este foarte bun in ceea ce face, el este un cetatean respectat si indragit de comunitate. Dar, cand Banyan Key este socat datorita unei duble omucideri, Matt incepe investigatia, dar descopera ca toate dovezile conduc la el, ca principal suspect. …